Optimizing Your Martech Stack For Moments-Based Marketing

Optimizing Your Martech Stack For Moments-Based Marketing
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Virtual Event

Moments-based marketing is the single most important strategy for brands to enable to survive and thrive in 2021 and beyond. And yet no single solution can provide everything needed to get it right — and meet customers’ skyrocketing expectations.

In this webinar, guest speakers Rusty Warner, VP and Principal Analyst, Forrester and Travis Johnson, Product Manager, Partner Integrations Airship will explore:

  • The 6 mission-critical functions of next-generation enterprise martech — and the gaps that cause many brands to fall behind in meeting customer expectations for in-the-moment interactions
  • How to enrich customer profiles and make every cross-channel customer journey more personalized and effective
  • New strategies and use cases that Airship and Adobe Experience Platform are unlocking with the new real-time, bi-directional integration

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Organizer